Mouthwash, laundry detergent, sunscreen, hand sanitizer, deodorant, dental floss, chapstick-just a few items we routinely use to save us time and trick us into thinking they’re actually good for us. But it’s those same items that are breaking down our health and the health of the environment around us. These common items can be full of…
Month: August 2021
Get Better Sleep-Add This Proven Method To Your Sleep Tool Belt
What we do in the waking state plays a large role in our ability to sleep soundly during the night. Much of when we fall asleep, how quickly we fall asleep, and whether or not we stay asleep are impacted by our actions (and nonactions) during our waking hours. One of the best and zero-cost…
You Are What You Eat…Ate
You probably have heard the quote, “you are what you eat.” This is absolutely true as every cell in our body is made from the food we eat. 100 calories of blueberries compared to 100 calories of candy will have a different hormonal reaction in your body, especially if this consumption is over weeks, months,…
Reduce Your EMF Exposure
For this week’s blog, I copied and pasted snippets of Dhru Purohit’s blog. In his blog, he provides a practical guide on mitigating electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and understanding some of the potential dangers. I believe it’s an important preventive measure to take, especially for children whose brains and bodies are more vulnerable to dirty electricity….